Supported Setups

 Client Type

Hardware Dongle

Software Container

License Server


Physical local machines




Virtualized local machines




Physical license servers



Virtualized license servers 




Client machines



License servers


Hardware Dongle

These are recommended for on-premise license servers, as they can be attached to a backup server without further restrictions.
License Dongles can also be used on local machines.

Software Container

For dongle-less workflows, a Software Container is recommended, usable for License Servers and local usage.
For virtualized environments and cloud environments, a dedicated Software Container called Smartbind_Loose is required. This container type can be added to individual users as a permission, which allows the user to create this container type and activate licenses on it.

Quick Troubleshooting

Info: Software container protection is performed on the hardware elements on validation. If the hardware is changed, the WIBU container validation may fail, making licenses unavailable.