Viz Licensing Administrator Guide

Version 3.0 | Published September 14, 2023 ©

Splitting Licenses

Splitting Licenses allows to split licenses with a quantity higher than one into individual licenses. This provides the possibility to split off licenses from license servers for use on individual computers or smaller license servers.

  1. In the licenses overview press the Split Licenses Button


  2. In the next view the license features that are available for splitting are displayed. Below each feature the current quantity is shown. In the rightmost column labeled New Partitioning the new quantities can be defined. Once selected press the Split button in the right.


  3. A confirmation window will pop up and display the quantities after the split is completed. Press Split now to complete.

    IMPORTANT: Please note that a split cannot be reversed!


  4. After completion the licenses will be displayed individually in the licenses overview and can be activated independently.
