Viz World User Guide
Version 22.0 | Published December 15, 2022 ©
About Viz World
For many years Viz World Classic (formerly called Viz Curious Maps) was the broadcast industry’s number one tool for the creation of branded 2D maps and geographic animations.
Now Viz World takes this to a new level by adding support for real-time 3D maps and adding the option to extend it to a client-server solution.
Viz World takes branded map imagery and provides it to different clients that are embedded within Vizrt’s control applications like Viz Trio and Viz Pilot. Templates created within Viz World can also be accessed by Viz Artist and even NLE systems.
This tight integration allows users to seamlessly create branded, animated maps and add them to graphic templates or insert them directly into a 3D scene. In addition, high-resolution satellite imagery from around the world can instantly be browsed, downloaded, and incorporated.
Viz World Client (WoC) integrates Viz World’s mapping ability and database into Viz Artist and Viz Engine graphics. By utilizing a set of geographic referencing plug-ins and the maps produced by WoC, the creation of location based graphics using maps, 3D objects, texts, and so on, is seamless.
WoC includes a set of Viz Artist plug-ins and the World Map Editor (WME). The editor is integrated into Vizrt products, simplifying production and control of the graphics.
The WoC also includes the Map Designer for creating map templates on-the-fly, as well as the Map Builder for creating animated scenes with single or multiple destinations.
Usage of WoC clients requires one or more Viz World Servers (WoS) installed, running, and connected to the network. WoS is a software module used for creating template-based maps and managing client requests. All the map styles, map projects and designs are stored on the server. The server’s license determines the number of concurrent client connections and the available data sets.
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