Viz Social User Guide
Version 1.0 | Published June 22, 2021 ©
Build is the module where the social streams from Gather are associated with one or more Formats to specify how their harvested content is going to be interpreted. Today Viz Social supports four Formats: Carousel, Nested Carousel, Poll and Competition.
Formats have a source (either a Search or a Group of Searches) and one or more destinations. An On Air destination is a visual element in a scene (a location where the interpreted and moderated data is displayed). Digital destinations are usually XML publishing targets. Each source can be used by many Formats simultaneously, and thus feed into multiple destinations, where it can be represented in many different ways. In contrast with this, each digital destination can only be used once. Buckets created in Gather, on the other hand, can be overloaded and be used as a destination of various Formats of the Carousel kind.
When creating a Format, it is possible to assign a pre-configured button Group with that particular Format instance. In the Publish phase, this button group gives users the option to control the scene play-out directly and in real-time from within Viz Social.
The set of logical destinations and the button group configuration are part of the static configuration of Viz Social. Contact support if changes are necessary. Occupied destinations are marked with a small orange circle in the destination dropdown menu.
Formats have their own context menu with functions to rename, clone and delete them (and others where relevant). Formats can be re-ordered via drag and drop.
Cloning is available for all types of Formats. Clones are exact copies of their parent Formats, except for XML/JSON destinations which are cleared from the clone because they can serve only one Format at a time. Set-ups for destinations for graphics engines are copied into clones like any other parameter. Clones are automatically saved as independent Formats and can be edited and fine-tuned freely without affecting their parent Formats.
This section contains information on the following topics and procedures: