Viz Engine Administrator Guide
Version 3.14 | Published March 10, 2021 ©
Epoch 4K Supernova, Epoch 4K Supernova S+ and Epoch Supernova CG
The BlueFish444 Epoch | 4K Supernova, Epoch | 4K Supernova S+ and Epoch | Supernova CG boards are intended for character generators such as Viz Trio, but can also be used as an alternative where only two inputs and outputs are required.
This section contains information on the following:
Epoch | 4K Supernova
The Epoch | Supernova is a full-length PCIe card with five bi-directional multi-format I/O BNC connectors that support a number of configurations with up to two dual link channels or four single link channels. For use with Viz Engine, the card needs to be configured with two inputs and two outputs.
Epoch | 4K Supernova Connectors
With five BNC connectors, each of the first four do SD, HD, 3G, ASI, AES and LTC as either input or output. The fifth is the designated GenLock or SD, HD, 3G, ASI or AES (no LTC).
On the Epoch | 4K Supernova, the default connector configuration for the five connectors are:
Output one
Input one
Output two
Input two
Reference In (Genlock)
If the dual_link_input flag is set to 1 in the Viz Configuration file, the two inputs are treated as one channel with fill on the first and key on the second. Please refer to the Special Configuration Options for Bluefish444 section for more information.
Epoch | 4K Supernova S+
The Epoch | Supernova S+ is a 2/3-length PCIe card with bi-directional multi-format I/O BNC connectors that support a number of configurations, up to two dual link channels or four single link channels. For use with Viz Engine, the card needs to be configured with two inputs and two outputs. With six BNC connectors, each of the first four do SD, HD, 3G, ASI, AES and LTC as either input or output. The fifth is the designated GenLock or SD, HD, 3G, ASI or AES (no LTC).
Epoch | 4K Supernova S+ Connectors
On the Epoch | 4K Supernova S+, the default connector configuration for the six connectors are:
Not in use
Output one
Input one
Output two
Input two
Reference In (Genlock)
Note: Viz Engine does not utilize the top BNC connector on the Epoch | 4K Supernova S+ video card, recognized as not being flush with the other five.
If the dual_link_input flag is set to 1 in the Viz Configuration file, the two inputs are treated as one channel with fill on the first and key on the second. Please refer to the Special Configuration Options for Bluefish444 section for more information.
Epoch | Supernova CG
The Epoch | Supernova CG is a 2/3-length PCIe card with bi-directional multi-format I/O BNC connectors that support a number of configurations, up to two dual link channels or four single link channels. For use with Viz Engine, the card needs to be configured with two inputs and two outputs. With five BNC connectors, each of the first four do SD, HD, 1.5G, ASI, AES and LTC as either input or output. The fifth is the designated GenLock or SD, HD, 1.5G, ASI or AES (no LTC).
Epoch | Supernova CG Connectors
On the Epoch | Supernova CG, the default connector configuration for the five connectors are:
Output one
Input one
Output two
Input two
Reference In (Genlock)
If the dual_link_input flag is set to 1 in the Viz Configuration file, the two inputs are treated as one channel with fill on the first and key on the second. Please refer to the Special Configuration Options for Bluefish444 section for more information.
See Also