Viz Artist 5.3.2

Release Date: 2025-03-04

These are the release notes for Viz Artist version 5.3.2. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 5.3.1.

Installer Notes


This software has been tested to run on the following systems:

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2022

  • Windows 10 (LTSC 1809)

  • Windows 10 (LTSC 21H2)

  • Windows 11 (LTSC 24H2)


Fixed Issues

Known Issues

  • Due a technical limitation of QT framework, the focus of an input field can not be restored when switching containers.

  • Referenced Materials do not correctly update their icon if changed.

  • It is not recommended to run the User Interface within a Virtual Set environment, as it can cause timing issues under certain circumstances.

  • Viz One Browser: When the Viz One Browser window is minimized (either using the minimize button in the window bar, or WIN + D to hide all windows on the desktop), it can only be brought back to the screen by using the Restore and Maximize entries in the context menu of the window in the Windows taskbar.

  • Viz One Browser: The preview of clip elements in the Viz One Browser doesn't show the content correctly anymore when the browser window is moved to another display (for example, a second screen). The application must be restarted to bring back the clip preview.

  • The Viz Engine render window is always on top when started in videowall mode -u1 -y -n and output system FULLSCREEN (VIZART-2400). Does not happen in mode -u1 -w or with any vga_preview and is independent on the number of monitors and if a mosaic is used or not.

    • What can be observed is that the output is always on top and it is not possible to get anything else on top (taskbar, other windows with ALT + TAB, task manager). SHIFT + BACKSPACE works only when Viz Artist has focus. When CTRL + BACKSPACE does not work it can be achieved with CTRL + ALT + DEL, task manager, ALT + TAB to Viz Artist and SHIFT + BACKSPACE. ALT + TAB does not work initially as the window is not shown. This behavior is actually desired to have the output of Viz Engine always on top (for example, interactive scenes shown on screens in the studio).


  • Right-clicking on the Taskbar icon of Viz Engine starts a new instance. Starting an additional Viz GUI process is prevented on Windows 10.

  • On Windows version LTSC 1809: Logging out/in may be required for the fonts in the Viz Artist user interface to apply the set scaling after the user changes the Windows scaling setting.

Viz Artist 5.3.1

Release Date: 2024-12-12

These are the release notes for Viz Artist version 5.3.1. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 5.3.0.

Installer Notes


This software has been tested to run on the following systems:

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2022

  • Windows 10 (LTSC 1809)

  • Windows 10 (LTSC 21H2)

  • Windows 11 (LTSC 24H2)


Fixed Issues

Known Issues

  • Due a technical limitation of QT framework, the focus of an input field can not be restored when switching containers.

  • Referenced Materials do not correctly update their icon if changed.

  • It is not recommended to run the User Interface within a Virtual Set environment, as it can cause timing issues under certain circumstances.

  • Viz One Browser: When the Viz One Browser window is minimized (either using the minimize button in the window bar, or WIN + D to hide all windows on the desktop), it can only be brought back to the screen by using the Restore and Maximize entries in the context menu of the window in the Windows taskbar.

  • Viz One Browser: The preview of clip elements in the Viz One Browser doesn't show the content correctly anymore when the browser window is moved to another display (for example, a second screen). The application must be restarted to bring back the clip preview.

  • The Viz Engine render window is always on top when started in videowall mode -u1 -y -n and output system FULLSCREEN (VIZART-2400). Does not happen in mode -u1 -w or with any vga_preview and is independent on the number of monitors and if a mosaic is used or not.

    • What can be observed is that the output is always on top and it is not possible to get anything else on top (taskbar, other windows with ALT + TAB, task manager). SHIFT + BACKSPACE works only when Viz Artist has focus. When CTRL + BACKSPACE does not work it can be achieved with CTRL + ALT + DEL, task manager, ALT + TAB to Viz Artist and SHIFT + BACKSPACE. ALT + TAB does not work initially as the window is not shown. This behavior is actually desired to have the output of Viz Engine always on top (for example, interactive scenes shown on screens in the studio).


  • Right-clicking on the Taskbar icon of Viz Engine starts a new instance. Starting an additional Viz GUI process is prevented on Windows 10.

  • On Windows version LTSC 1809: Logging out/in may be required for the fonts in the Viz Artist user interface to apply the set scaling after the user changes the Windows scaling setting.

Viz Artist 5.3.0

Release Date: 2024-10-17

These are the release notes for Viz Artist version 5.3.0. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 5.2.1.

Note: Viz Engine maintains its release notes in a separate document starting from version 3.12.0.

Installer Notes


The Software ships with a bundle installer containing all necessary components. It is recommended to use the bundle installer when setup needs to be done manually.

  • Viz Artist is installed in C:\Program Files\Vizrt\VizEngine\VizArtist.

  • Visual C++ Redistributable files are not part of the .msi setup file anymore. These files are now installed with the bundle setup application (VIZENG-13210, VIZENG-12629, VIZENG-12701).

  • The new bundle setup application installs or upgrades Viz Artist together with its required Visual C++ Redistributable files (VIZENG-12936, VIZENG-13804).

  • All files contained in the bundle setup application can be extracted using the /dump command line option. This creates a sub-folder where the files are extracted (VIZENG-13020).

  • Multiple installations of Viz Artist are not supported.

  • The installer automatically upgrades (replaces) any existing Viz Artist 3.x installation. However, downgrading is currently not supported (VIZENG-7098).

  • The installer package is digitally signed (VIZENG-7378).

  • The user account must have SeCreateGlobalPrivilege (SE_CREATE_GLOBAL_NAME) enabled.


This software has been tested to run on the following systems:

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2022

  • Windows 10 (LTSC 1809)

  • Windows 10 (LTSC 21H2)

  • Windows 11

Information: Support for Windows 11 LTSC can not yet be announced officially as long-term stability tests are still ongoing.

Note: Only English language Operating Systems are supported.

  • It is recommended to install the latest Windows Security Updates and Patches, except Nvidia drivers.

  • .NET Framework 4.5 or higher is required (VIZENG-6036).

  • Minimum Windows Installer version is now 5.0.0.

  • To run Viz Artist/Viz Engine without Administrator privileges, you need to grant the following permissions:

    • SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege

    • SeCreateGlobalPrivilege

    • SeCreatePagefilePrivilege

    • SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege

Note: Viz Artist requires a minimum resolution of 1920x1080 pixels.


  • Network shares are not accessible from within Viz Artist when UAC is enabled or when running on Windows 10. The Viz Configuration page Local Settings has been extended for enabling Network drive linking (VIZENG-15594, VIZENG-15319).


  • Viz Artist is UAC aware. Log-files and additional files are stored in %VIZ_PROGRAMDATA%, which defaults to %ProgramData%\Vizrt\VizArtist. Configuration-files and profiles are stored in %ProgramData%\Vizrt\VizEngine. Temporary data is stored in %VIZ_TEMPDATA% which defaults to %TMP%\Vizrt\VizEngine. The default value can be changed in viz.cmd or on the command line of viz.exe.

  • Starting Viz Artist shows a UAC popup for VizStarter.exe (VIZENG-8683).


The following default shortcuts have been changed:

Scene Editor


Old Shortcut

New Shortcut

Delete Object



Camera View Zoom



Orthogonal Rubberband Zoom



Camera View Zoom In/Out in Orthogonal mode



Mousemodifier in Scene Editor

Mouse Wheel to Position/Rotate/Scale (Undocumented and Classic only)


Zoom In/Out

O + Mouse Wheel

Mouse Wheel

Switch to Back Camera (Orthononal)

Keypad 0

Keypad 1

Position/Rotate/Scale (Undocumented and Classic only)

X/Y/Z Key + Mouse Wheel 


Render Editor (On Air)

Off Air


Added CTRL+Q as additional shortcut

Toggle Preview


Added CTRL+P as additional shortcut


Select Keyframe Mode


Split into Rubberband Selection (R)

Spline Y Zoom Out



Set Stoppoint Mode



View Spline 1/2/3



New Features




Ability to manually refresh list of Graphic Hubs to enable autocompletion (e.g. if Graphic Hub is started after the login dialog opened)


Ability to switch Graphic Hub on the fly without restart Artist


Accept ZIP files to be dragged into Asset View or selectable in Import View


Add "Keep Aspect" to superchannels


Add "Update Mode" to Texture Renderers


Add blur function to Internal Image Editor


Add Channel blendmode, SuperChannel texture resolution


Add color indicators for Live Media Types


Add compilation status indicator for Shaders


Add new scene conversion capabilities dock


Add possibility to reset kerning settings for the whole text In Classic Text


Add tooltips to plugin icons in container dock


Add version information overlay for merged objects


Adding Shortcut Information (CTRL +F1)


Adjust autoscroll speed on drag&drop in scene tree depending on the mouse position


Advanced UI for VER particle system


Allow bookmarking fonts in Text font selection


Change asset view size via CTRL+mouse wheel


Config Option to apply color coding to entire container in scene tree


Create GUI for Softclip replacement using TextureRenderer for Viz Render workflow


Create new icon set for plugins


Creating VER lights should add automatically a container


Draw color marker on the complete row of the stage tree view


Expose Undo Redo History In User Interface


Global and configurable shortcuts


Improve plugin thumbnails/font quality in UHD with Windows scaling


Improve Transformation Editor Layout


Improved Scenetree Container Search - Added support for Regular Expressions


Keep last recipient for GH Message Dialogue


Layer Editor should stick with the Scene Editor


Make old icons still available via config


Make workspace parameters resettable


New Blur's kernel type and parameters for SSAO


Plugins type selection should be remembered


Possibility to switch between Workspaces with keyboard shortcuts


Provide a library of shaders


Provide example code for TransitionShaders


Re-enable Back- and Frontlayer when MainLayer is VER


Recognize pbr image set and create PBR shader automatically.


Reflect value changes in Interface faster in Render output


Remove Layoutbutton from Scene - Rendering


Script Editor improvements on code indentation and autocompletion


Separate Gamma Correction and Lower/Upper Output Limits


Show available adaptive formats in GFX Channel


Show correct plugin tooltip for geometry plugins in Scenetree


Show only characters available for a specific font


Show served VizEngine instance number in VizArtist title bar


Support dragging images from Imagelibrary to Artist


WindowMask: add container selection for tracking

Fixed Issues




Snapshot names are limited by 30 characaters


Scrolling stops midway in some plugin properties


Assets name will have (1) inside the name after copy&paste when using multiple different assets with the same name inside the same folder


Improve readability of the scripting documentation


Focus outline of Scene Editor not always correct


Fix wrong DPI scaling inside the stage editor


Artist crash when deleting items from the scene tree


Drag&Drop blocked by tooltip when Scene Tree is zoomed out


GraffiTex brush color alpha shouldn't be availble


Director offset, is measured in Seconds - even if Timeline is set to Frames or Fields


Deleting Materials on multiple container at once after Undo operation fails


Unlit Material has no Alpha-parameter


Bring back Front & Backlayer in Director Control window


Artist freezes when selected folder inside the import view will be updated in the background


List with SyncObjects for Superchannel Start Mode not visible


Import panel does not properly handle folder shortcuts


Modified Date/Descending sort order doesn't get updated automatically


Can't reset stop keyframe name


Artist freezes when expanding scene tree container


Material Editor icon not updating correctly


Favorites not cleared after remove asset in the new version of plugin overlay window


Scenetree: Horizontal scrollbar does not appear automatically

Known Issues

  • Due a technical limitation of QT framework, the focus of an input field can not be restored when switching containers.

  • Referenced Materials do not correctly update their icon if changed.

  • It is not recommended to run the User Interface within a Virtual Set environment, as it can cause timing issues under certain circumstances.

  • Viz One Browser: When the Viz One Browser window is minimized (either using the minimize button in the window bar, or WIN + D to hide all windows on the desktop), it can only be brought back to the screen by using the Restore and Maximize entries in the context menu of the window in the Windows taskbar.

  • Viz One Browser: The preview of clip elements in the Viz One Browser doesn't show the content correctly anymore when the browser window is moved to another display (e.g. second screen). The application must be restarted to bring back the clip preview.

  • Viz Engine render window is always on top when started in videowall mode -u1 -y -n and output system FULLSCREEN (VIZART-2400). Does not happen in mode -u1 -w or with any vga_preview and is independent on the number of monitors and if a mosaic is used or not.

    • What can be observed is that the output is always on top and it is not possible to get anything else on top (taskbar, other windows with ALT + TAB, task manager). SHIFT + BACKSPACE works only when Viz Artist has focus. When CTRL + BACKSPACE does not work it can be achieved with CTRL + ALT + DEL, task manager, ALT + TAB to Viz Artist and SHIFT + BACKSPACE. ALT + TAB does not work initially as the window is not shown. This behavior is actually desired to have the output of Viz Engine always on top (for example, interactive scenes shown on screens in the studio).


  • Right clicking on the Taskbar icon of Viz Engine starts a new instance. Starting an additional Viz GUI process is prevented on Windows 10.

  • On Windows version LTSC 1809: Logging out/in may be required for the fonts in the Viz Artist user interface to apply the set scaling after the user changes the Windows scaling setting.

Build Information

  • Platform Toolset: Visual Studio 2022 (v143)

  • Windows SDK Version: 10.0.22621


Documentation for Viz Artist, Viz Engine and Viz Plugins are available at the Vizrt Documentation Center:

Installation and Support


The installation wizard guides you through the installation process. Make sure to close any running Viz Artist/Viz Engine application, prior to the installation. To run Viz Artist or Viz Engine independent of a database server, you need to install the Graphic Hub database software locally.


Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.