Viz Artist
Version 3.10 | Published May 03, 2018 ©
Server Tree
The Server Panel tree shows a structured storage of items.
Right-click on any folder in the Server Tree to open the Server Tree Context Menu.
This section contains the following topics:
The Server Tree can contain two types of folders:
Regular folders
Project folders
The difference between a regular folder and a project folder is that by defining a working project, the tree can be collapsed so that only the currently selected project and its sub-folders and sub-projects' folders are shown.
Both types of folders can be dragged around after being added to the Server Tree.
Folder Position in the Server Tree
Drag and drop folders using the Add New <Folder/Project> button to add new folders. The folder will be created at the location it is dropped in the Server Tree. Folders can be moved in the same way, by dragging an existing folder and dropping it in the desired location.
Drop the Add New <Folder/Project> button (1) on the left side of an existing folder to create a new folder at the same level as the selected folder (2).
Drop the Add New <Folder/Project> button on the right side of an existing folder to create a sub-folder of the selected folder (3).
Highlighted Folders
The Folder Tree can be configured to highlight only the folders in the tree that contain a selected item type (see Folder Type Highlighting in the section User Interfaces of the Viz Engine Administrator’s Guide). When Folder Type Highlighting is enabled, folders and sub-folders which does not contain any of the selected item type are dimmed.
Server Tree Menu Bar
The Server Tree menu bar consists of various buttons to create folders and modify the appearance of the Server Tree. It is located at the top left side of the Server Panel.
The Server Tree bar contains the following buttons:
Bookmarks: Show only bookmarked folders (see Bookmarked Folders).
Expand/Collapse: Expand or collapse the currently selected branch and all its sub-branches.
Add New Project/Folder: Add a new project (
) or folder (
) to the Server Tree.
Restrict to Current Project Folder: Restricts the Server Tree view to the selected project folder and sub-folders. This option is only available if a project is selected in the Server Tree.
Show All Project Folders: If the scene tree is restricted to one project folder, this expands the tree to show all folders.
Refresh: Refreshes the Server Tree and adds updates.
Server Tree Context Menu
Right-click a folder in the Server Tree to open the Server Tree context menu.
Rename: Change the name of the selected folder.
Delete: Delete the selected folder.
Create Sub Project...: Create a sub-project folder under the currently selected project folder. Only Project folders can contain Sub-Project folders.
Create Sub Folder...: Create a sub-folder under the currently selected folder. Sub-folders can be added to both regular folders and project folders.
Add as Bookmark.../Delete from Bookmarks...: Add or delete the selected folder as a bookmark (see Bookmarked Folders).
Switch Folder Type Highlighting <On/Off>: Enable or disable folder highlighting. When Folder Type Highlighting is enabled, folders and sub-folders which does not contain any of the selected item type are dimmed.
Bookmark(s): If any bookmarks have been created, the bottom part of the menu contains a list of shortcuts to all currently bookmarked folders.
Bookmarked Folders
Folders can be bookmarked to speed up navigation to the most used folders. Bookmarked folders are added to the Server Tree context menu (1). Click a bookmark in the context menu list (1) to go to that folder in the .Server Tree v3.10.
All Bookmarked folders can also be viewed together in a Bookmark View (see To View Bookmarked Folders):
This section contains the following topics and procedures:
Bookmark View
Bookmark View displays only the bookmarked folders.
To view the contents of a bookmarked folder, click on the folder. The path (1) and the contents of the folder are shown in the Item Panel. Right-clicking a folder or file in the item panel opens the Item Context Menu. In the Item Panel, double-click a folder to open and view any sub-folders and its content:
If a sub-folder is bookmarked, it will be selected in the Bookmark View.
If a sub-folder is not bookmarked, only the parent folder will be selected in the Bookmark View.
Use the Content Switcher to view the required items.
Clicking a link in the folder path (1) opens that folder. If the folder is bookmarked, it will be selected in the bookmark view. If not, the view will switch to Server View, and the folder will be selected.
Blue: Project folders
Yellow: Normal Folders
To View Bookmarked Folders
to toggle between the Server Tree view (1) and the Bookmark view (2).
If no bookmarks have been created, you will get a notification.