Pilot Data Server Release Notes

Version PDS-8.9 | Published March 31, 2023 ©

Pilot Data Server Release Notes

Pilot Data Server 8.9.2

Release Date: 2023-03-31

These are the release notes for Pilot Data Server version 8.9.2. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 8.9.1.

Fixed Issues

  • The field <objType> in the MOS XML returned by the /mosxml data element endpoint is now set to STILL. This is in accordance to the MOS protocol (PDS-540).

  • Support for control object with custom-name containers (PDS-625). Note that this requires the use of Viz Engine 5.0.1 (VIZPL-1707) and Preview Server 4.6.0 (FS-480) to be fully functional.

  • Fixed PDS from stop sending STOMP messages (PDS-618 & PDS-629).

  • When using the PD S endpoint /model/{ID}/{concept}/{variant}, the model returned contains the specified concept and variant, this means that the Avid Command plugin will generate Pilot elements based on the External ID with the correct concept and variant (PDS-522).

Known Issues

  • There has been reports of the PDS returning the wrong number of data elements or templates, which indicates that the local indexing cache can be out of sync (PDS-623).

Pilot Data Server 8.9.1

Release Date: 2022-11-17

These are the release notes for Pilot Data Server version 8.9.1. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 8.9.0.

New Features

  • Added logging for DELETE and PUT (modification) requests for data elements. It will log the IP address, proxy IPs and the operation done (PDS-598).

  • Added support for channels and categories in the VDF (PDS-600).

  • TLS 1.2 is supported by Pilot Data Server (PDS-595).

Fixed Issues

  • Resolved the issue where the material would not get updated when switching between scenes (VPE-4462).

  • Fixed an issue where a concept deleted in Template Wizard would still show up in Pilot Edge (PDS-606).

  • Reinstalling and changing the PDS installer with new settings for proxy (base URL specifically), will open the correct webpage at the end of the installation (PDS-601).

  • Fixed issue when saving/reloading/replacing a template, the scenedata was duplicated unnecessarily (PDS-616).

  • Fixed issue when installing PDS, the thumbnail generator config was not being updated with the correct database connection settings (PDS-602).

Minimum System Requirements

One of the following operating systems (supported as long as they have support from their own manufacturer):

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2016

Visual C++ 2013 redistributable:

Note: If the Visual C ++ 2013 Redistributable Package is not installed, some software, such as Director and Media Sequence, may encounter an HTTP 500 issue when connecting to Pilot Data Server.


  • Graphic Hub 3.7.1 (with Graphic Hub REST 2.7.0)

  • Oracle 19c (with schema version 8.8.0 or newer)

  • Viz Pilot 8.8

  • Preview Server 4.5.0

  • Template Builder 2.4

Newsroom Systems Used for Testing

  • iNEWS

  • ENPS 9.0.177 (Browser type Internet Explorer)

  • Open Media 4.4.4359

  • Octopus X

Pilot Data Server 8.9.0

Release Date: 2022-04-11

These are the release notes for Pilot Data Server version 8.9.0. This document describes the user-visible changes that have been made to the software since release 8.8.0.

Upgrade notes

Upgrading from Pilot systems version 8.6 or older, or setups with custom services, having direct access to Pilot's Oracle database (PDS-533).

The graphic element internal storage has been updated and takes effect when storing templates from Template Builder. Existing graphic elements and templates are not affected. We recommend testing that playout and integrations are working fully with newly created graphic elements from newly created templates.

Changes and Improvements

  • Template Builder template scripts are now supported on Oracle with the new PilotDBA schema (VPE-4404, VPE-4417).

  • Tags can now be managed from a dedicated page, app/TagsConfig/tagsConfig.html (PDS-534).

  • Installer now allows the user to specify proxy settings (secure port, base url and base path), which will allow the settings to persist between upgrades (PDS-591).

System Requirements

One of the following operating systems (supported as long as they have support from their own manufacturer):

  • Windows Server 2019

  • Windows Server 2016

Visual C++ 2013 redistributable:

Note: If the Visual C ++ 2013 Redistributable Package is not installed, some software, such as Director and Media Sequence, may encounter an HTTP 500 issue when connecting to Pilot Data Server.

As Pilot Database, either of:

  • Graphic Hub 3.6.0 (with Graphic Hub REST 2.6.0)

  • Oracle 11g or newer (with schema version 8.3.0 or newer)

Recommended versions of other related products:

  • Viz Pilot 8.8

  • Preview Server 4.5.0

  • Graphic Hub 3.6.0

  • Graphic Hub Rest 2.6.0

  • Template Builder 2.3

  • Oracle 19c

Newsroom Systems Used for Testing

  • iNEWS

  • ENPS 9.0.177 (Browser type Internet Explorer)

  • Open Media 4.4.4359

  • Octopus X


Documentation for Template Builder is available at the Vizrt Documentation Center:


Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.