AI Terminal Release Notes

Version 1.0 | Published August 30, 2023 ©

AI Terminal Release Notes

AI Terminal 1.0.0

Release Date: 2023-08-30

These are the release notes for AI Terminal version 1.0.0. This is the first release of AI Terminal.


AI Tool Framework

AI Terminal (including AI Core) detects installed AI tools and offers a user interface to configure and run them. This user interface is created dynamically based on the tool.

Version Compatibility

Minor releases of AI Terminal are planned to not break compatibility with AI tools released with an older release of AI Terminal within the same major version. For example, if a tool is released with a minimal requirement of AI Terminal 1.0, it will be compatible with AI Terminal 1.1, 1.2 and so on. Vice versa, if a tool is released with a minimal requirement of AI Terminal 1.1, it will not be compatible with AI Terminal 1.0.

Integrations - I/O Modules

AI Terminal comes with the following integrations of input and output modules:

  • Shared Memory Sync.

  • Shared Memory Input.

  • Shared Memory Output.

  • NDI Input.

  • NDI Output.

  • Tracking Hub Input.

  • Camera Input.

  • Pose Data Sender.

These enable integrations with Viz Engine, Viz Virtual Studio and NDI.


Documentation for AI Terminal and related products are available on the Vizrt FTP and on the Vizrt Documentation Center:


Support is available at the Vizrt Support Portal.